The students prepared by attending a Thanksgiving seminar where they watched videos about the first Thanksgiving, and learned why there are no turkeys in China. They looked at food...
Explore China with SPIRAL in 2017!
This tour is especially designed for our American student peer leaders, host families, and high school students studying the Chinese language to explore and learn the country and culture, but teachers and educators are also encouraged to participate.
New name and program changes for SPIRAL’s Summer English Camps
Summer Adventure Learning Camp
The goal of the summer Adventure Learning Camp is to create a full immersion program where Chinese middle and high school students learn and practice...
思博美国East Lyme中学与香江中学合作项目分享:语言的桥梁,文化的交流
—记美国高中学生 到访香江中学
2014 年 6月 18 日至 6月 20 日, 受香江国际教育交流中心的邀请,...
To celebrate Thanksgiving and to greet/thank all of you, a group of the Chinese kids from last summer's camp made a video. It's beautifully done, and honestly sweet and touching....
近30人 -...
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